the Patch?
had some made. If you would like one for a gift or for yourself
click here.
you for visiting. We would love it if you would
ADD to this
Log we are keeping!
Due to the a**holes that keep putting SPAM on this
page & the enormous amount of e-mails this board & all
e-mail links have been temporarily suspended. Once we've figured out how to deal with these DIRT-BAGS we'll activate the emails & board again.
I suggest you use the Bull Board if you want to communicate.
Click HERE
to view the old Log [ 1998 - 2002] .
Name=Richard Gonzales
Dates Aboard=1959-1963 Dept. F
Squadron=VS23 & VS25
Rate Rank=AMH2
E-Mail= rgonzales71@earthlink.net
city= state= country=USA
November 28, 2003 11:30 [PST]
Sure had some wonderful times aboard the Ole Gal.
'Tweren't for "steamboat" I'd've stayed in.
Anyone know the whereabouts of Wayne East Wheeler?
Was aboard '59 to (?) Home town was Ogden, Utah.
Enjoying the notes.
Fred Massicotte <fred_massicotte@maxtor.com>
Webster, Ma. USA - Thursday, November 06, 2003 at 07:02:04 (PST)
Reported to Yorktown in late 1952 and was transferred in 1953. Participated in sea trials out of Bremerton,Wash. Anyone on board I'm sure remembers the speed trials (36+knots)
Phillip McCollum <philmac@gulftel.com>
Lillian, Alabama USA - Wednesday, November 05, 2003 at 14:29:58 (PST)
mugu <mugu>
lome, togo lome - Monday, November 03, 2003 at 10:00:46 (PST)
Sure would like to hear from my old buddies.
Dwight T Hampton Sr <dbot43@earthlink.net>
Macon, Ga. USA - Thursday, October 30, 2003 at 14:45:41 (PST)
Any of the Disbursing Clerks that were stationed on the Yorktown during this time--give me a hollar
Ryan Chalmers <ryan.chalmers@gpisd.org>
Grand Prairie, Tx USA - Thursday, October 30, 2003 at 13:25:09 (PST)
Served aboard the Fighting Lady from October 1961 to June 1963, when I was discharged. I remember we docked in Long Beach the day I was scheduled to get out - June 18, 1963. Had my appedix removed at sea on my last cruise (62-63).
Gene Saunders <gsaundrs@yahoo.com>
Temecula, CA USA - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 at 22:06:50 (PST)
Good luck to all, and GOD bless
Leon Rozwarski <laski@cox.net>
Gilbert , AZ USA - Sunday, October 26, 2003 at 08:34:18 (PST)
Missed out on the Navy because of the draft but managed to get to Vietnam. I was assigned to Saigon. My only link with the Navy was the General Staff Briefings - The Navy briefer was always a hit. Kept them awake. All the best,
Jim Finnegan <Finnegan@Saigonwarrior.com>
England - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 at 07:41:07 (PDT)
Was aboard for wome of the "shinning times' i.e. the last West-Pac cruise. If anyone knows where I can get a cruise book for this , please let me know. By the way any of the old gang that was aboard during tis time in the division, please get in touch. I would love to hear from you,,,, especially the buddy that I was trying to get back to the ship from ? Couloon (guess the spelling is close)Hong kong. You all know how it was, that was one of the places that was "off-limits". At any rate the swells at the liberty launch pier were a bit heavy than I thought and I almost killed him when I threw him into the bottom of the launch. I'll stop at that one , but I would love to hear from some of the old salts!!! If anyone would like to have patches, from the last westpac cruise please let me know, I have the big back patch with the six flags, VS-23 patch (old-one) and the 7th kFleet patch. Nominal cost but let me know if anyone wants!!
Regards to you all, with an abounding respect!!!!!
Calvin McKenzie <mickeymck@msn.com>
Baton Rouge , Louisiana USA - Monday, October 20, 2003 at 08:17:42 (PDT)
See more shipmates on the Bullentin board [http://cv10.com/bb1/bb1.html ]
webmaster <webmaster@cv10.com>
USA - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 at 15:40:35 (PDT)
email correction
Tammra Snyder <mtsnyder03@verizon.net>
USA - Sunday, October 12, 2003 at 19:02:24 (PDT)
I have a new interest in the USS Yorktown as my husband will be part of a USCG training drill on the ship in the next few weeks. So, we have been reading a lot about her history. Many times we have come across the mention of very steep metal stairs that must be climbed to board the ship but nowhere have we found exactly the number of stairs that must be climbed. If anyone out there knows the answer to what has peaked our curiosity so, please respond to mtsnyder@verizon.net - thank you-
Tammra Snyder
USA - Sunday, October 12, 2003 at 19:00:51 (PDT)
USA - Friday, October 03, 2003 at 19:43:03 (PDT)
Having read many books concerning the battle of Midway,the U.S.S Yorktown has to be one of my favorite ships that served in WW2. A life long ambition is to meet and talk to someone who served aboard such a proud ship during the battle of midway. To all who have served aboard " The Fighting Lady " then and in times past,may God bless you with calm seas ahead..........
Chris Leavy <ChrisLeavy@Hotmail.com>
Cape Girardeau, MO USA - Saturday, September 13, 2003 at 22:52:03 (PDT)
Not too much time left before the Oct 9 thru 11, 2003 USS Yorktown CV10 reunion & the 2nd Annual Communications Dept. reunion, in Charleston, SC aboard ship...come join us...let me hear from you ASAP....IT'S NEVER TOO LATE!!
George A. Brubaker RM1 USN Ret. <eyesright@military.com>
Reinbeck, IA USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 at 08:55:28 (PDT)
This log is back up and running AGAIN! Hopefully this latest"FIX" will work for awhile.
USA - Tuesday, September 09, 2003 at 09:10:06 (PDT)
I spent 2 years aboard the Lady and have many good memories of my time spent in V-6 Div. and made many good friends. Worked Primary Fly with Bob Ensley and later Norman Fulcher. I am a member of the Yorktown Assoc. and am looking forward to the October reunion. See you then ...God Bless America and all who are serving and have served.
John W. Pace <jwpace9@aol.com>
oklahoma City, ok USA - Monday, September 08, 2003 at 18:50:58 (PDT)
Does anyone remember my father, Raymond E. McPeak? He was just 17 when he joined the Navy and proudly served aboard the USS Yorktown. He has since passed away. He also served in the Army and retired as a Command Sargent Major!
You guys are the best! Thanks for all that you did and the sacrafices that you made.
Robert McPeak <rjmuller@mindspring.com>
USA - Friday, August 22, 2003 at 12:02:59 (PDT)
8-) Diego . good bye
bigman <lovestruck2003@see.to>
USA - Thursday, August 21, 2003 at 02:32:44 (PDT)
Well as you can see from the last messages the low lifes of this world, known as SPAMMERS have invaded our site. I will do my best to delete these A-holes as they come in. Should you be compelled to respond to one of these creteans, be sure to attach a 50MB files to the message.
L. Futrell
USA - Tuesday, August 12, 2003 at 13:24:57 (PDT)
We genuinely interested by this site . phentermine . Greetings.
mail order phentermine <rover-_id19755_love@tech.tv>
USA - Tuesday, August 12, 2003 at 11:58:30 (PDT)
It would be great to hear from anyone in VS-23 during the time I was in. Hopefully the planned reunion will take place in 2004.
Ken Montone <Kmontone@aracnet.com>
Portland, Oregon USA - Thursday, August 07, 2003 at 15:22:51 (PDT)
hi there I very appreciated your site . Visitor from strategy casino .
88 casino <roronseeker_id19755bird@tech.tv>
USA - Wednesday, August 06, 2003 at 13:33:37 (PDT)
Great memories of the 64/65 cruise. A great ship. Was aboard The Lady in 1985 while on extended business trip to the East coast. Was a thrill to see the Black Cat S2 on the Flight Deck. DDomeier SCPO USN ret.
Duane Domeier <ddomeier@hotmail.com>
Red Wing, MN USA - Saturday, August 02, 2003 at 19:46:03 (PDT)
Like to get a hold of some old shipmate buddies !
Harry D. Ticknor <pmodan@aol.com>
Whitney Point, NY USA - Saturday, August 02, 2003 at 08:52:35 (PDT)
time of service 1965-1967
joe hanf <joebhanf@yahoo.com>
charleston, s.c. USA - Friday, August 01, 2003 at 12:34:38 (PDT)
Like to hear from anyone that was in v-3 during that time. she is a good ship and it was always fun to get the quater deck ready the night before we'd pull into a port because that meant that we'd off that morning.we always had fun even when we'd be takeing up non-skid on the hanger deck. not to mention what fun we always had on liberty.
joe hanf <joebhanf@yahoo.com>
Charleston, S.C. USA - Friday, August 01, 2003 at 12:26:23 (PDT)
New to this site my time aboard the "Fighting Lady" was the best
MICHAEL VIVELO <mikev@pneudraulics.com>
Rancho Cucamunga, CA USA - Friday, August 01, 2003 at 10:59:31 (PDT)
Note...This feature has been down for thge last couple of weeks. I'm trying to retrive the submission made during the off-line time. Sorry for the FOBAR...
Larry Futrell <webmaster@cv10.com>
USA - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 at 07:00:45 (PDT)
this is a test by tech support
test <test@test.com>
test, hi USA - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 13:16:56 (PDT)
im writing to see if anyone remebers anything about
my father around 66 or 67 he was hit by a airplane prop
and taken off the ship also can someone help me in finding
a cruise book thanks please email any info will resond
wayne mandel jr <wayne613@astound.net>
st cloud , MN USA - Wednesday, July 09, 2003 at 21:47:10 (PDT)
I was the cobbler and tailor in the S/3 division. You could usually find me wherever there was country/western music being played. I was a musician and still am today. My best buddy was Bill Cameron (deceased 2001).
Bobby D. Johnson <annaj1260@yahoo.com>
Marshall, Texas USA - Wednesday, July 09, 2003 at 20:15:45 (PDT)
JAMES L. RICKE <rickes@dnc.net>
Lebanon, OR USA - Saturday, July 05, 2003 at 22:03:04 (PDT)
55th Annual USS Yorktown Reunion
October 9, 10, and 11, 2003
Dear Shipmates,
We look forward once again to another great gathering of some of our nations finest veterans and their families and friends when we meet once again in Charleston for the 55th reunion. Registration will begin Thursday morning at 0900 and the remainder of the day will be busy with numerous Board and committee meetings.
This year we have another special event for you. The WELCOME ABOARD cocktail party will be a major event from 1700 to 2000 in the Omar Shrine. This will be a very nice party serving win and beer and plenty of heavy hors D'oeuvres. Mixed cocktail drinks will be available at a cash bar.
Thursday October 9
0900 until 1630 Registration in the lobby of the Hampton Inn. the Hospitality room and gift shop will be open along with an open bar serving beer, win and cocktails
0800 to 1000 Finance Committee in the Hampton Inn
1000 to 1200 Executive Committee in the Hampton Inn
1300 Board of Directors meeting in the Hampton Inn
1700 to 2000 Cocktail Party
Other than those indicated above, the committee chairman should schedule their own committees to meet as required during the day on Thursday.
Friday October 10th
0930 General membership meeting in Smokey Stover Theater to be followed by the memorial service on the Hangar Deck of the USS Yorktown
1200 Lunch in the Yorktown hanger bar
1430 Busses depart from Yorktown and hotels for Citadel to view the parade. There will be a small fee of $1 per person to defray the cost of bus transportation for this event. Friday evening is free for your local dining pleasure at any of the fine area restaurants.
Saturday October 11
1000 Air Group one memorial service aboard Yorktown We are still working on additional tours and/or events for Saturday and that information will be available when you check in to the hotel. Any golfers who would like a tee time please specify on the registration and we will make a reservation for Saturday morning.
1830 Dinner/Dance at the Omar Shrine Temple. There will be an open bar beginning at 1830 with dinner being served at 1900. the bar will close at 2230. There will be several awards and presentations made following diner. We have the Tommy Ford orchestra available against this year for your listening and dancing pleasure.
Silent Auction
Last year we held a silent auction and raised over $1000 with thanks to the generosity of our members. We plan to do the same this year and ask that you go through your attacks and basements and bring those things you have been saving but have not used in years. We had many very nice donations last year and many of you walked away with prized possessions. We hank you in advance for helping to make this silent auction even bigger than last year.
Bob Dorsey, Reunion Chairman
Hampton Inn $69 for all rooms. Cut off date to reserve is September 7th 2003 843 881 3300 Advise them that you are "with the Yorktown" This is our headquarters hotel.
Microtel Inn $50 843 971 7070 Advise them you are with the Yorktown
Days Inn $65 843 747 4101
Member Registration $50
Spouse and guest Registration $40
Transportation to Citadel parade $1
Dinner/Dance $45.00
How shoudl your name tag read?
843 849 1928
FAX 843 971 6174
Message from CG Martin, President USS Yorktown Association
Now is the time to plan to attend the next Reunion this coming October. This years reunion will honor the members of the 1953 cruise. Members of this period are hard to find because the cruise book does not give the hometown of crew members. Please try and search your area for anyone that was on this cruise, of course any other Yorktown crew members. You might try getting a notice in your local paper. We need new members to keep the association going for many years to come. If any of you want to volunteer to help the membership committee, contact Joe Lunn, membership Chairman through the association office. (853) 840 1928 yorktwn@aol.com
For all of you that haven't heard, Joe Sharkey has retired, but Irene will continue to run the association office. If you have any questions about the association or suggestions you can contact Irene.
I'm looking forward to seeing you at the Reunion, and while there if you have any questions for for a director, identified by their gold name tag. They will be glad to answer your questions or take suggestions to improve the association. Also the jar, in the hospitality room is used to buy supplies, and Not for volunteers that give their time running the room.
See you at the Reunion.
CG "Griff" Martin, President.
George A. Brubaker RM1 USN Ret. <eyesright@military.com>
Reinbeck, IA USA - Thursday, July 03, 2003 at 11:02:12
Interested in contacting anyone serving in V-1 Div, Repair 8 and V-4 Division between August 1958 and June 1962.
Very curious where my shipmates are.
Herb Jackson <JJLatigo@aol.com>
Clarkdale, AZ USA - Sunday, June 29, 2003 at 19:46:04 (PDT)
Sorry to see the dates aboard and div info did not come across.
I was in V-6 then AIMD divisions from 1967 (drydock at Pier E
Long Beach) until decomm. in Rhode Island.
Max G. Kearse <beyond@nauvoo.net>
Nauvoo, IL USA - Sunday, June 22, 2003 at 20:05:16 (PDT)
Have heard from a few ship mates & would really like to locate
Dan Duffy from Washington or Oregon. Have spoken with Tenuta,
Stegman, Rom, Hopwood and visited the Lady in 2001 with wife
and two of our younger sons (we have 6, plus a dau).
Max G. Kearse <beyond@nauvoo.net>
Nauvoo, IL USA - Sunday, June 22, 2003 at 20:02:14 (PDT)
Yorktown was my first ship right out of boot camp, I spent my full tour on the mest deck, and was the compartment cleaner doing the whole time. once my time was up I was assigned to E-Div for a short period of time, then was transfeered to B-Div and server as a boilerman (which is what BT's were knowen as at this time). I served on board until we transfeered homeport to Norfolk Va, when I went UA, in hope of getting transfeered back to the west coast,( it didnt work) I ended up in Fla, and had to re-up for orders back to the west coast. There is proberly not to many people around now a day doing that time, especial someone who might remember me, but I would enjoy hearing from some of the old shipmate at that time to jog some old memory. One person mention a few incidents happen in 68, doing our tour, and I thought I was the onlyone remember it, especial the apolla drop, the capture of the Peblo, the mid air collision and so on. Would love to hear from some of the old shipmates.
Clarence Davis <GladMan946@msn.com>
Rialto, Ca USA - Saturday, June 21, 2003 at 19:32:00 (PDT)
What a great ship to serve on.. She really was a Lady! Looking for all the Starboard Cat Breath Boy's.
James E. Mullin <carboy@frontiernet.net>
Denison, IA USA - Saturday, June 21, 2003 at 14:37:13 (PDT)
Served on the Fighting Lady before and during the 67-68 WestPac cruise. Remember becoming a Shellback (crossing the equator) and becoming ???? (crossing the International Date Line). Also remember ship being re-routed to N Korea on the way to Yankeee Station, to blockade the harbor where the N Koreans were keeping the USS Pueblo and crew. Remember R&R stops in Phillipines, Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong. First introduction to Kobe beef in Sasebo - can still taste it 35 years later. Visited the ship last year while vacationing in Charleston - even found my S7 Division office - still intact after all these years. Would like to locate my best fried on the Yorktown - Jim Lauerman - a Warrant Officer who served as Division Officer of the Laundry (S2?) and the Crew's Mess (S3?) at different times. If anyone knows his whereabouts, please send me an e-mail. thanks.
Jerry W. Scott <scott_jw@comcast.net>
Nashville, TN USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 08:08:49 (PDT)
I am writing for my father, Ray Huston, who served on the Yorktown from 42-45. My dad, now 81, has not seen the ship since 45 and our family intends on visiting this summer. This is wonderful to have this site for all those who served on the "Fighting Lady"
Ray Huston <mrh5456@aol.com>
Bethlehem, Pa USA - Friday, June 06, 2003 at 08:45:38 (PDT)
This entry is to notify those who knew my grandfather Roy L. Davis of his passing on March 6th, 2003. He served aboard the USS Yorktown in Fighter Plane Radio Maitenance from September 1944 to September 1945. If you served with him and knew him, I would like to hear from you.
Ryan L Davis <rldavis73@charter.net>
Roxana, IL USA - Thursday, June 05, 2003 at 01:47:01 (PDT)
Would like to hear from anyone who was with either VS-23 or VS-25 at Los Alamitos NAS 1960-1961. Went onboard Yorktown while she was at Okinawa 1960 X Division. Discharged from Navy June 1961.
Amando Ruben Ramos <aramos3@rgv.rr.com>
Pharr, Tx USA - Sunday, June 01, 2003 at 19:06:20 (PDT)
Bruce (son of) deceased shipmate
Taps for XO
Fri May 30 02:32:41 2003
This is to inform of the passing (5/27/03) of Cdr. Robert O. Boe, who served on board Yorktown as Operations Officer and Executive Officer from 61-63. We, his sons, take great pride in his service to country and his dedication as a Naval officer. Comments and/or memoirs would be welcomed.
Bruce (son of) deceased shipmate
USA - Friday, May 30, 2003 at 05:45:01 (PDT)
I now have available the WWII Yorktown CV10 Yearbook "Into The Wind" along with the "Subscriber" list. Contact me if interested. See you at the reunion Oct. 9-11, 2003 in Charleston, SC. THINK REUNION
George Brubaker <eyesright@military.com>
Reinbeck, Iowa USA - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 05:08:10 (PDT)
I first saw the lady in the dark on a high tide at Yokosuka in 1961. She looked awesome, and in her way was just that. I wasn't able to make a reunion in summer of 2002 with a few of my shipmates, but would love to hear from any of you who may remember me. Waters, Watts, Duca and Gray were there to see her and they assurted me she STILL looks awesome!
I'd tell some real sea stories here, but how was it again that they started? "Once upon a time . . ." ?
Still "Second to None" I'll bet.
Jim Buhring <jimboathome@msn.com>
Marysville, WA USA - Monday, May 26, 2003 at 12:40:02 (PDT)
I served on the Fighting Lady from late 1952 thru about 1955 or 6 when I was transferred to The USS Point Cruz, and anti-submarine warfare carrier.
When we were off the coast of Korea doing anti-submarine zig-zag routine, the Bon Hom Richard had just joined us and when the fleet zigged, it zagged.
James T. Lanier <jameslanier@sbcglobal.net >
USA - Monday, May 26, 2003 at 11:30:10 (PDT)
I served on the Fighting Lady from late 1952 thru about 1994 or 5 when I was transferred to The USS Point Cruz, and anti-submarine warfare carrier.
When we were off the coast of Korea doing anti-submarine zig-zag routine, the Bon Hom Richard had just joined us and when the fleet zigged, it zagged.
James T. Lanier <jameslanier@sbcglobal.net >
USA - Monday, May 26, 2003 at 11:29:34 (PDT)
MANCHESTER, MO. USA - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 23:55:20 (PDT)
MANCHESTER, MO. USA - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 23:55:17 (PDT)
Isn't technology great! There aren't many of us left, but we can communicate like this! My family, and particularly my son who is a former US Army Captain, were down to see the Fighting Lady last summer (our third trip) and she still looks ready for action. Would like to hear from any of you---especially other Marines from my duty years. Talk to some of you soon.
Ed Burns <Yancey52@Aol.com>
Culloden, WV USA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at 22:51:49 (PDT)
Clifton Bearden MM2 M Div 1952-54
interested in attending the reunion
I re-commissioned the Yorktown in Bremerton in 1952? and was aboard until I got out in May 1954. My time was spent in the FWD Eng. RM. I was discharged as an MM2.
It,s been so many years I don,t remember a whole lot about it but I am interested in attending the reunion.
Clifton Bearden
Clifton Bearden <cibear54@netscape.net>
USA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at 19:34:51 (PDT)
J Vonk
6341 Delmonico Dr
Colorado Springs, CO
(719) 266-1053
J Vonk
2540 E Tiffin Ave
Des Moines, IA
(515) 262-6758
George Brubaker <eyesright@military.com>
Reinbeck, IA USA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at 11:56:35 (PDT)
Would like to contact Aerology Friends & Lt. J.J. Vonk my home address 272 Tyconnell Avenue
Herman F. Bohnhorst
Massapequa Park, NY. USA - Monday, May 12, 2003 at 18:18:17 (PDT)
Jim Allen
I served until 1968 in Fox Division. Anyone out there that served at the same time.
Jim Allen <jja90740@hotmail.com>
USA - Sunday, May 11, 2003 at 06:53:28 (PDT)
While I didn't serve on "The Fighting Lady", I would like to commend all who did serve and that we were and are proud of your accomplishments.
I served aboard the USS Saratoga CVA-60 in the fifties and had the pleasure in 2000 of visiting Yorktown during our Reunion in Charleston.
It is absolutely amaxing to me that She was kept in such pristine condition. Somehow, when I was aboard, I could almost visulize the crews going about their duties and the planes prepped for launching.
Thanks for the memories.
Don Sager <saracva60@optonline.net>
Torrington, CT USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 at 06:46:28 (PDT)
My father served on the U.S.S. Yorktown Fighting Lady sometime around 1943-1944 as a Gunner. I do not know what Dept/Sqdn he was in or his Rate/Rank. When my father was on the ship, they took on famous war correspondent Ernie Pyle. The ship dropped off Mr. Pyle to do some on-the-ground reporting, Mr. Pyle's last assignment before he was killed on the Island of IE, 4 miles west of Okinawa.
My father passed away in 1986, but I've been searching all over to find out more about the Fighting Lady and his time on the ship. If you have any information or stories, I would love to hear them!! Arlene
Donald A. Frappier <Moore.Arlene@mayo.edu>
LaCrescent, MN USA - Thursday, April 24, 2003 at 20:51:13 (PDT)
John E Stieren <johnstieren@msn.com>
Waterloo, NE USA - Monday, April 21, 2003 at 18:03:10 (PDT)
Looking for shipmates
Bowling Green OH
I was a crew member from June 1953 to June 1955...M Division...MM2C..Aft Engine Room...#3 Throttleman
Carroll D. Hagerty <tomt43402@aol.com>
Bowling Green, OH USA - Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 07:47:21 (PDT)
Obituary - Francis N. Pingitore - served on Yorktown
Wed Apr 9 05:57:32 2003
The following obituary was published in today's Schenectady (NY) Daily Gazette.
Francis N. Pingitore
Amsterdam -- Francis N. Pingitore, 62, of Midline Road, passed away Monday evening at his home with his family at his side.
A lifelong Amsterdam resident, he was born on September 13, 1940, a son of the late Frank and Mary Morano Pingitore. He was a 1958 graduate of Wilbur H. Lynch High School, and the following year, he entered the U. S. Navy and served as a second class machinist mate aboard the USS Yorktown in the Pacific. Following his discharge in 1962, he was a member of the Naval Reserve until 1978, when he transferred to the Stratton Air National Guard, serving until 1994. Fran was employed as a boiler plant foreman for the Samuel Stratton Veteran's Medical Center, retiring in 1993. He was a member of St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church and was a former member of the church council and property chairman.
On February 14, 1965 he was married to the former Marlene C. Bull, who survives.
In addition to his wife, he is survived by three daughters, Lori Ann and Tina Marie Pingitore, both of Amsterdam and Tami Lynn Pingitore of Las Vegas, NV; two brothers, Anthony J. Pingitore of Cohoes and Richard C. Pingitore of Amsterdam; two sisters, Rose Marie Tompkins and Carolyn Di Caterino, both of Amsterdam; his father–in–law, Gerald Bull of Amsterdam; aunts and uncles; nieces, nephews and cousins; and brothers–in–law and sisters–in–law.
Fran was predeceased by his parents; a brother, John Pingitore in 2001; and two infant children, Robert Michael and Holly Rene.
Funeral services will be held on Friday at 11 a.m. at the Betz, Rossi and Bellinger Family Funeral Home, Inc., 171 Guy Park Avenue, with the Rev. Daniel Swanson officiating. C~~~ing hours will be Thursday from 5 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home.
Burial with full military honors will take place in Fairview Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be made to St. Luke's Church, 24 Pine St., or the Wilkinson Day Care Center, State Hwy. 30N, Amsterdam, 12010.
Francis N. Pingitore Obituary
Amsterdam, NY USA - Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 06:18:36 (PDT)
whatever became of Cdr Robertson....Ruby...Lcdr Verner...Roache
Bob Stone <bob_stone@khsd.k12.ca.us>
Bakersfield, Calif USA - Tuesday, April 08, 2003 at 12:32:52 (PDT)
Retired in 1987 as a LT (03E) 6360/LDO. From San Antonio, TX, now working in Virginia as a government contractor. Most commonly known as "ED" or "Petty Officer Edwards". Found many Friends and shipmates including Gunner (Pugh) Ab-Hugh, Borel, Deshotel, Englebracht, Fry, Fugate, Masoka, Maxwell, Morgan, Parrish, Petty and Stottlemyer. Looking for for other shipmates. Please contact me.
William (Bill) E. Edwards Jr <BillE7of12@AOL.COM>
Beaverdam, VA USA - Tuesday, April 08, 2003 at 06:54:07 (PDT)
Looking for my T.S.B....
Donald L. Dirks <doubledee@cox.net>
LaVista, NE USA - Monday, April 07, 2003 at 08:18:36 (PDT)
To: eyesright@military.com
Subject: talk
From: Flagspk@aol.com
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2003 3:27:52 PM EDT
Cc: Flagspk@aol.com
Hello again George, flags here.
I offer my web site www.karetkamidway for viewing.
The CV-5 reunion will be in Oct.? In CA ?
Please pass and post my web site at the reunion.
I am seeking revision by USN on this history and the sinking of U.S.S. YORKTOWN CV -5.
Flags <Flagspk@aol.com >
USA - Sunday, April 06, 2003 at 13:42:35 (PDT)
This is my new e-mail address.Yorktown was a great ship to serve on,made many good friends. Still keep in touch with some of them.
Jimmie Williams <jwilliams20021@insightbb.com>
Boonville, IN. USA - Tuesday, April 01, 2003 at 14:22:44 (PST)
I am looking for a crew member list for the Yorktown the includes Edward E Duckwall
Timothy Carpenter <Cricket3886@cs.com>
Louisville, Ky USA - Tuesday, April 01, 2003 at 08:39:23 (PST)
Like to hear from anyone who remembers me. The best time of my life aboard the "Fighting Lady"
Dave Stegeman <dstegema@supernet.com>
Biglerville, PA USA - Sunday, March 30, 2003 at 06:12:40 (PST)
Kimberling City, MO. 65686
I served aboard the Yorktown 1960 1962, Also visited the ship a couple years ago.
Jack Burkhart <jackusnret@inter-linc.net >
Kimberling City, MO USA - Friday, March 28, 2003 at 11:05:10 (PST)
Southern California
US Marine Detachment 1964-1966
If you were ever in the brig from 64-66, we may have met!
Mike Bayer <MikeBayer@Cox.net >
CA USA - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 at 06:55:26 (PST)
If anyone served with, or knew my father, ABE3 Robert Hesse please let me know. He was killed less than a week before the ship went into drydock,(February 1967) and also, unfortunately, 5 days before I was born. If anyone has any information on and/or photos of my father, I would appreciate a response.
Robert Hesse-Konig <roberttkonig@yahoo.com>
Flagstaff, AZ USA - Saturday, March 22, 2003 at 22:14:55 (PST)
If anyone served with, or knew my father, ABE3 Robert Hesse please let me know. He was killed less than a week before the ship went into drydock,(February 1967) and also, unfortunately, 5 days before I was born. If anyone has any information on and/or photos of my father, I would appreciate a response.
Robert Hesse-Konig <roberttkonig@yahoo.com>
Flagstaff, AZ USA - Saturday, March 22, 2003 at 22:13:56 (PST)
If anyone served with, or knew my father, ABE3 Robert Hesse please let me know. He was killed less than a week before the ship went into drydock, and, unfortunatley 5 days before I was born. If anyone has any information on and/or photos of my father, I would appreciate a response.
Robert Hesse-Konig <roberttkonig@yahoo.com>
Flagstaff, AZ USA - Saturday, March 22, 2003 at 22:06:21 (PST)
Would like to get in touch with old shipmates from V-6 Div
Allen Bero <abero@new.rr.com>
Green Bay, WI USA - Friday, March 21, 2003 at 14:04:07 (PST)
Dawson, MN 56232
I proudly served with the Marine Detach from Oct '54- Oct'56. Interested in getting a Marine Detachment Association started.
LAURENCE (LARRY) GEBUR <flgebur@frontiernet.net >
Dawson, MN USA - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 at 07:14:37 (PST)
Went aboard in Subic BAY while it was on deployment to west pack. Transfered that same year to Memphis TN for schooling and never returned for duty. I did visit the ship while I was in Charston several years ago and it brought back many memories.
Curtis Delhommer <delhommer@charter.net>
Lawrenceville, GA USA - Saturday, March 15, 2003 at 22:08:29 (PST)
Sheppard AFB, TX
Served aboard CVA/CVS-10 1955-1958, first in A Division Logroom, then later in X Division, after returning from Naval Justice School, Newport. Ichiban Dilbert was a familiar cartoon; often I was called Ichiban Delbert/Dilbert. Can't imagine why.
Tell us a Sea Story: Sea stories are few and far between. Saw a few planes go over the side during ops.
Delbert A. Campbell <dcampbell@sw.rr.com>
TX USA - Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 06:54:42 (PST)
Happy to see this web site..Ran across an HS-4 site awhile back and they did not realize, or elected not
to realize, that HS-4 was in fact aboard the USS Yorktown..Guess I feel sorry for them..I had the chance
to go aboard the USS Yorktown in Charleston, SC two different times during Desert Storm..Didn't
realize how much she ment to me..If there is anyone out there from HS-4 that was aboard the Yorktown
in 1960, I would very much like to hear from them..
Glenn E. Palensky <gp51001@alltel.net>
Bradshaw, NE USA - Tuesday, March 04, 2003 at 11:37:33 (PST)
Looking for Ship and Squadron mates.
On board in mid 60's HS4. I was an ADJ3.
Looking for Tony Farina and Ed(Willy) Williams, Electricans mates.
Kloyce (mouse) Hamilton <kss@lvnworth.com >
KS USA - Monday, March 03, 2003 at 05:19:51 (PST)
KEEP OFF..........
LAGOS, LAGOS USA - Saturday, March 01, 2003 at 23:50:04 (PST)
I was with HS-2 as a DK3 and worked in S-4 div. when on the ship. Toured the Yorktown in South Carolina in 1996.
Roger Mauck <roger.mauck@sbcglobal.net>
Chico, CA USA - Friday, February 28, 2003 at 14:58:32 (PST)
Was a member of HS-2 helicopter squadron. Served on the Yorktown for 8 months in 1959.
Roger Mauck <roger.mauck@sbcglobal.net>
Chico , CA USA - Friday, February 28, 2003 at 06:47:21 (PST)
ABILENE, TEXAS USA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 at 09:50:03 (PST)
Enjoyed my time aboard the Yorktown in the Marine Detachment and in FLAG. Anyone from the Marine Detachment or FLAG please E-Mail. Semper Fi.
Steven Duffenbach <duffenbach@yahoo.com>
Eau Claire, WI USA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 at 18:28:40 (PST)
Over 55
I was assigned to VS-23 from 1963 to 1965 as an AO. I flew as an aircrewman on the 64/65 cruise. MCPO/gwf
MCPO Gordon W. Farrell,USN (Retired) <farrellg@hargrave.edu >
Gretna , VA USA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 at 11:58:58 (PST)
Officials considering elevator for aircraft carrier Associated Press MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C. - Officials at the Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum will consider building an elevator to the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Yorktown as veterans from World War II, Korea and Vietnam age and are less able to climb the steps to the ship. Billy Swails, a member of the Patriot's Point Development Authority board, said he's concerned about the inability of some veterans and elderly and disabled visitors to reach the flight deck and hangar bay. "It's the No. 1 complaint I get," said Swails. The board voted Tuesday to study the possibility of building an elevator that could cost a half-million dollars. David Burnette, the executive director of the Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum, was not enthusiastic about the idea. He said the museum is already tackling a number of expensive projects, including replacing the carrier's flight deck, painting its hull and dredging around the bottom of the carrier. Burnette said a wheelchair lift now brings disabled visitors to the hangar deck although it does not go to the flight deck above that. He also worried about altering the ship, a national historic landmark, to put in an elevator and said the pier leading to it cannot support an elevator. Burnette estimated studying the idea of an elevator could cost $15,000. After the meeting, Swails said he forced the issue because of resistance from the museum staff. He said using the chair lift is "degrading to disabled people" and said even people who don't use wheelchairs have difficulty climbing the stairs to the ship. It's a problem that will worsen as the general population ages, Swails said. "My dad is a Navy veteran, and he could not go there now because of the stairs he'd have to climb," he said. "Even for an old, fat guy like me, it's hard to get up there." The Yorktown was commissioned in 1943, named for the USS Yorktown that sank in the Battle of Midway in World War II. The Yorktown saw service in the Pacific in World War II and during Vietnam before it was decommissioned in 1970.
G. Brubaker <eyesright@military.com>
Reinbeck, Ia USA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 at 07:12:41 (PST)
Serving aboard the Yorktown was the best duty I had in my 4 years in the Navy. Anyone else out there that served in 5th division from 1965 until 1967 ?
passingthru@woh.rr.com contact me
Nick Mott <passingthru@woh.rr.com>
Troy, ohio USA - Monday, February 24, 2003 at 07:26:54 (PST)
Request information about next Yorktown reunion.
Charles Lowe <lowec@sbcglobal.net>
Merrillville, Indiana USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 at 20:53:03 (PST)
I was lucky to serve aboard the Yorktown at a time in her
wonderful career that took me all around the world.
(WestPac cruise-Apollo 8 recovery-Tora Tora Tora movie-Get
Smart Series-South America cruise-North Atantic cruise) I serverd with a great bunch of guys I will never forget as long as I live.
Charles Lowe <lowec@sbcglobal.net>
Merrillville, Indiana USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 at 20:30:04 (PST)
I was lucky to serve aboard the Yorktown at a time in her
wonderful career that took me all around the world.
(WestPac cruise-Apollo 8 recovery-Tora Tora Tora movie-Get
Smart Series-South America cruise-North Atantic cruise) I serverd with a great bunch of guys I will never forget as long as I live.
Charles Lowe <lowec@sbcglobal.net>
Merrillville, Indiana USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 at 20:30:03 (PST)
Name: Bill Reed
Rank & Rate: Fireman
Dates Onboard: 02/69 to DECOM
Department/Squadron: #3 Fireroom
E-mail Address: cvs62bt@netscape.net
Comments: My email changed so I am resubmiting my message. I would like to hear from
I would like to hear from anyone who served in #3 Fireroom or the "BR" Shop during the above dates. I got to see the
Fighting Lady in Charleston on vacation one time. My wife was
with me and #3 Fireroom was closed, but #4 Fireroom was open. I think she was impressed
with it. I am a Veterans Employment Representative for the State of Illinois.
Bill Reed <cvs62bt@netscape.net>
Charleston, IL USA - Friday, February 21, 2003 at 18:23:19 (PST)
TERRENCE CASEY <twcasey@mchsi.com>
Oquawka, IL USA - Saturday, February 15, 2003 at 17:18:15 (PST)
Bob Wallace
Editor:Sea V Ten
Salem, Oregon
Bob Wallace Chairman Yorktown Association
April Board Meeting FLAG ISSUE
the flag issue will be addressed at the next board meeting, April' 03.....see ya....Bob
Bob Wallace <byorktown@aol.com >
Salem, OR USA - Saturday, February 15, 2003 at 13:29:44 (PST)
Searching for anyone who may have served with my father during '43-45 tours. He was Seaman Orville "Ray" Katcham, a Tennessee boy....thx.
Robert <rbarba@sbcglobal.net>
Modesto, CA USA - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 at 10:49:10 (PST)
Im a retired Police Officer looking for any information re the Motor Vessel Atlantic City,which was in English Coastal waters, during 1953... Mr W.J Morris was a crewman aboard the ship when they saw a huge ball of fire heading towards the ship close to Newport......looking for any info re this or other strange experiences,forming foundation of a book I am working on. Thanks. J Hanson.
john hanson <john@recardo76.fsnet.co.uk>
Birmingham, West Midlands UK - Tuesday, February 11, 2003 at 13:00:17 (PST)
Have found many shipmates from GA Div. I retired in 1987 as a LDO-AO/LT. I was known as "ED". Please feel free to send an e-mail if you even think you know me, I will respond. Visited what is left of CVS-10, that has become Building 10, with many places off limits. It was the people that made the ship and was very appearent when I visited with Gorden Maxwell. If it was not for our planned trip, and taking my 6 year old son and two young grandsons, the visit to the ship was a let down. It was never in the terrible condition when we were aboard. So now I think of other times when she was great and all my friends and shipmates were aboard.
William E. Edwards, Jr. <BILLE7OF12@AOL.COM>
Beaverdam, VA USA - Sunday, February 09, 2003 at 17:04:02 (PST)
previous E mail address was incorrect,this is correct address
Bob Reiser <MisterBOB121@aol.com>
lynnwood, wa USA - Friday, February 07, 2003 at 20:55:41 (PST)
previous E mail address was incorrect,this is correct address
Bob Reiser <MisterBOB121>
lynnwood, wa USA - Friday, February 07, 2003 at 20:51:49 (PST)
served aboard 1961 thru 1963 some good times and some not so good
bob reiser <MRBOB121@aol.com>
lynnwood, wa USA - Friday, February 07, 2003 at 20:46:48 (PST)
Good to see this site! Have always wondered what happened to/with Yorktown.
Ray Walker <Justerayw@netscape.net >
NC USA - Saturday, February 01, 2003 at 08:16:33 (PST)
I would be glad to hear from anyone who served to see what happened to who and where our old shipmates are now.
Rolland (Little) Neve <nevecb@msn.com>
Port St Lucie, FL USA - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 19:11:51 (PST)
just checking in to change my e-mail address
TERRENCE CASEY <twcasey@mchsi.com>
Oquawka, IL USA - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 17:05:11 (PST)
Former Yorktown Communications Personnel located:
Graham Hull RM2, Luther D. Langley CYNSN, Lynn E. Muhlstein RM2, Kay L. Badger PC3, Tracy D. Laurinat CYN3, Michael L. Smertick RM2...for more information contact eyesright@staroute.com
George Brubaker <eyesright@military.com>
Reinbeck, IA USA - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 07:51:44 (PST)
would like to hear from det crew members. she was a grand old lady, and my first cruise ever, but not my last i a 22 yr career.
alvin l. lakin jr <alakin@charter.net>
bremerton, wa USA - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 22:31:54 (PST)
Urgently need a copy of all VS-23 Pages in the 1967-68 cruise book...can anyone help me out here... Thanks
George Brubaker <eyesright@military.com>
IA USA - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 09:03:52 (PST)
many great memories.served in hs-2 when deployed on cvs-10
ROBERT ''BOB'' DECKER <navcposr@charter.net>
milledgeville, ga. USA - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 10:53:24 (PST)
Just searching the site
Kingston, MA USA - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 10:39:17 (PST)
I had a good time and made a lot of friends. Hope your all are doing fine.
ROGER W, HENRY <dc3@bright.net>
Millersburg, Oh USA - Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 22:51:11 (PST)
Enjoyed my time on the Yorktown. I was flown out to the ship
from the Phillipines and made a COD landing. What a thrill!
Would like to hear from anyone that was in HS-4 who
remembers me.
Vaughn Vesall <>
Fridley, MN USA - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 19:17:03 (PST)
Enjoyed my time on the Yorktown.Was flown out to the
ship from the Phillipines and made a COD landing. What a thrill! Would like to hear from anyone that remembers me
from HS-4.
Vaughn Vesall <>
Fridley, MN USA - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 19:00:18 (PST)
My late father served with VT-88 in '45. Would like to hear from shipmates, especially his pilot H. Deane Hoyt Jr, or radioman Robert Harrison and others. Thanks
William K. Ream Jr <vp146b4@aol.com>
Huntingdon Valley, Pa USA - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 09:07:59 (PST)
I reported aboard ,1961 and departed in 1962 for aviation school in Millington Tn.I worked in V-3 Div.I retired from the Navy as a Chief in 1982.
R.C. "Hoot" Gibson <rcgibson@mmind.net >
Pawhuska, OK USA - Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 09:27:02 (PST)
Looking for shipmates
Steven L. Jones <stevenlj7.1@netzero.com>
USA - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 07:51:48 (PST)
my father vernon price was the medic on the yorktown,and i am his daughter melissa,thought i would let you all know who served with him,that he passed away january 19th 1992,and he talked about most of you alot.if any one of you remember him you can e-mail me at mkc7068@msn.com and let me mknow alittle bit about him. Thanks
melissa cross <mkc7068@msn.com>
kansas city, mo USA - Monday, January 20, 2003 at 21:39:02 (PST)
I am looking for anyone who might have served with my father Lt. Commander Herbert (Bert) Collyer, a pilot on the Yorktown, during World War II.
Christine MacDonald <criscomacd@aol.com>
Chester, NJ USA - Friday, January 17, 2003 at 17:56:03 (PST)
For Bob Reiser...your email address is not complete...please to contact me at the above email address.
George Brubaker <eyesright@military.com>
Reinbeck, IA USA - Friday, January 17, 2003 at 09:51:20 (PST)
on the lady 1961 thru 1963,so many memories.
Bob Reiser <MisterBOB121>
lynnwood, wa USA - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 20:49:59 (PST)
so many memories,where oh where is my friend Don Davis?
Bob Reiser <MisterBOB121>
lynnwood , wa USA - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 20:43:20 (PST)
i was aboard an s-2 from vs-23 which collided with the uss chicago off the california coast during night war game exercises. fully loaded with pdc's, flying too low we creased the nose and then crushed the radome. we had to fly until daylight while other aircraft inspected us. bingo'ed to san clemente island then flew cod back to ship. as close to dieing as i ever wanted to be.
memorable moment includes flying mission off of hianan island in early 65 looking for downed fighter pilot. very exciting
DAN PESCAR <dpescar@sentinelsecurity.com>
escondido, ca USA - Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 12:54:32 (PST)
Looking for shipmates during the years 1963-1966 that
work in Captains Office.
Raymond B Danczak <rf.danczak@att.net>
Cheyenne, WY USA - Sunday, January 05, 2003 at 17:25:47 (PST)
I reported for duty on the Yorktown in May, 1967 as an "AA" assigned to Aviation Ordinance but thankfully (no offense meant) they had a full crew so I was assigned to OI Division and made the 67-68 West Pac cruise which included the detour to North Korea. I enjoyed serving under Captain Bill Bennet and his crew until August of '68 when I left as an SN for RD "A" school. I tried to get back on the Fighting Lady but was assigned to a another good ship...the USS Lloyd Thomas DD764 and made E-5 in just under two years. I was still trying to figure out how to get back on the Yorktown when it was announced she was being decommissioned and shortly thereafter watched her tie up accross the bay in Rhoade Island so I was able to visit once more before while she was part of the fleet.
I have visited her twice in Charleston, SC and recommend a visit to everyone who ever served on a carrier.... especailly an Essex Class. She serves as a GREAT tribute to Naval Aviation and I'm looking forward to another visit this April ( my 13 year old daughter INSISTS she be given the opportunity to slide down the escalator handrail just like Dad used to do and her younger brother did four years ago).
By the way, to the "CS" officer who made Spiker, Price and me run back up the escalator as it was coming down because we used the handrail as a slide after a midwatch....IF you're out there, I hope you enjoyed your walk/run up the stairs after we (I) shut the escalator off when you were half way up. Did you really think you could catch us? You could have, two of us doubled back and Walked right past you as you ran by....and yes we used the handrail to slide back down to the hanger bay. Thanks for the entertainment!!
Smooth sailing to all.
Charles M. Yunker <yunker@ksamlegion.org>
Tecumseh, KS USA - Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 15:57:53 (PST)
Just looking for shipmates
Sam D. Shuler <scubashuler@earthlink.net>
Griffin, Ga USA - Friday, December 27, 2002 at 14:41:26 (PST)
Made may lasting friends that are still in touch. Con't Navy career and later retired as LCDR. Total Navy time was 33 years-yeah a real lifer but the Navy offered so many opportunities, you know the rest.
Robert McKnight <rmcknightlcdr@msn.com>
El Paso, Tx. USA - Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 08:13:34 (PST)
Looking for anyone who served with my uncle, AMM2c Richard Wertman. MIA, (changed to KIA after the war) 29/30 APRIL 1944 over TRUK Island. Rear gunner on Avenger for VT-5 C.O. LtCmdr. Dick Upson. Anyone who knows about the circumstances of his final mission please contact me.
Richard Wertman <rewertman@aol.com>
USA - Monday, December 23, 2002 at 13:21:33 (PST)
YN3 1959-63 Admin Dept. Ronald M. Timmerman 61 (1941-2002)passed away in Evansdale, IA Dec 17th after an extended illness.
Ronald M. Timmerman <None (obituary)>
Evansdale, IA USA - Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 17:59:18 (PST)
The last cruise was great and the people on board were the best.
Dennis McAfee <dennis1918@aol.com>
Pittsburgh, Pa USA - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 13:00:30 (PST)
I just posted an incorrect Squad (VS-24). It should have been VS-25. I also have a cruise book. Looking for David Chambers. Will correspond with anyone who has memories of the times.
Timothy Johns <odlie2@aol.com>
Rid, CA USA - Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 09:47:22 (PST)
Looking for information on David Chambers. Would like to correspond with anyone who would like to compare memoriez
Timothy Johns <oldie2@aol.com>
Ridgecrest, CA USA - Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 09:44:35 (PST)
I served from '64 to '67 as a GMT2 in "W" Division. Made 2 WestPac cruises and 1 "Magic Carpet cruise hauling airplanes to Subic. Whenever I visit the Yorktown sister ship museum Hornet in Alameda it brings back memories of the Battlin' Bitch.
Tom Adams <Thomas@TheTAdamsGroup.com>
Vallejo, CA USA - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 22:47:01 (PST)
I'm posting this for my dad, Lpcl JAMES E. SIAN, who served on the Yorktown during 68-69 in the Marine Detachment. If you knew him, please email Michael Sian (his son) at rsian@bellsouth.net.
James E. Sian <rsian@bellsouth.net>
Midland, MI USA - Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 17:15:16 (PST)
If anyone knew or served with my father ABE3 Robert Howard Hesse, or has any details surrounding his death, please notify son:
Robert T Konig
NAU Box 21100
Flagstaff, AZ 86011
Robert Hesse-Konig <roberttkonig@netscape.net>
Flagstaff, AZ USA - Monday, December 09, 2002 at 16:41:27 (PST)
Please have anyone you might know that served aboard the Yorktown contact me if they are not a member of the Association. We need all hands to be a member. Home phone 1-931-962-1737
Spencer Griffin <KD4QWJ@AOL.Com>
Winchester, Tn USA - Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 22:37:07 (PST)
Please have anyone you might know that served aboard the Yorktown contact me if they are not a member of the Association. We need all hands to be a member. Home phone 1-931-962-1737
Spencer Griffin <KD4QWJ@AOL.Com>
Winchester, Tn USA - Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 22:37:05 (PST)
Dates on board 56-58
Ray DeGroot <rd9252@aol.com>
DesPlaines, Illinois USA - Sunday, November 24, 2002 at 19:47:01 (PST)
Hi all, the wife came across this website and we both thought it pretty neat. It would be great to hear from anyone that remembers Trees (or Crabby). Especially the Jockie (Gordon Farrell). We did visit the Yorktown in Patriots Point with youngest son a few years back and it sure brought back memories. Take care everyone!
Gary Eugene Crabtree <trees2000@msn.com>
Tarpon Springs, FL USA - Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 14:46:15 (PST)
Would like to find other shipmates between 1955-1958. Ph# 505-870-6082. I really enjoyed my fellow Shipmates on the " Lady".
John F Mann
Concho, Az USA - Friday, November 22, 2002 at 18:09:52 (PST)
Picked up the Apollo 8, Viet Nam "Get Smart" filming North Alantic
I never had better food on a regular basis since serving on "The Fighting
Lady" I'm looking for old ship mates.
Thomas J. Zatkalik <crown@wildapache.net>
Cornville, AZ USA - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 08:24:20 (PST)
This website renders a great service to all of us. Thank you!! I truly enjoyed my tour of duty on the "Fighting Lady" and my WestPac Cruise as well as the Test near Christmas Island in early spring of '62. I have been fortunate enough to have made contact with "Stretch" Lacey and Mike Huerta and Div. Officer LT. Ed Kreiner. God Bless!
Russ Steil <rsteil@iema.state.il.us>
Springfield, Il USA - Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 16:05:58 (PST)
Looking for anyone that was on at that time. Very proud to have served on the Yorktown. Many great memorys
Ray DeGroot <rd9252@aol.com>
Desplaines, illinois USA - Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 12:28:39 (PST)
James Pratt
Hi I am new to this site and so very glad to have found it. My father was James Pratt AX1 HS-4 and stationed on the Yorktown in 64-65. He was shot down in February 65 along with Lt. Thomas Vincent and Lt. Charles Moran Jr. I am hoping that there are some crewmates out there who have
stories to share or maybe someone who remembers him. I would greatly appreciate any and all. Thank you so very much. Eileen
Posted (miliary.com) by Eileen Owen
Nov 13 2002 01:48:31:000PM
Eileen Owen Daughter AX1 Pratt <owenjecb2@coastalnet.com>
NC 28539 USA - Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 11:18:27 (PST)
Onboard 1958/1962,
Devon Bond <devonbond@cs.com>
Elmira, OR USA - Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 01:25:57 (PST)
Devon Bond <devonbond@cs.com>
Elmira, OR USA - Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 01:13:44 (PST)
Served 1966-1969,made a mistake on the dates entered
to the comments section the first time.
Richard T Eilenberger <RTscan46@aol.com>
Park, Il USA - Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 02:20:20 (PST)
Reffed many a softball game in Long Beach,handed out many
idems from the forward sports gear locker.My job was to
promote the welfare and recreation of the crew, at least
I felt that to be my job. 1996-1969
Richard T Eilenberger <RTscan46@aol.com>
Park, Illinois USA - Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 01:31:40 (PST)
Any one serving with my father at this time, please contact.
Jack Garland <abcsgc@charter.net>
USA - Monday, November 04, 2002 at 12:50:20 (PST)
George Morgan GA Division 1967 - 1969
Looking for old shipmates
Been retired from the US Navy since Oct. of 1977. My best memories were when I was aboard CVS 10 and the GA Division Crew. Would like to hear from any one that would remember me during those 1967 - 1969 years.
George Morgan
Poulsbo Washington
George Morgan
Poulsbo , Washington USA - Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 07:08:24 (PST)
Capt. Bill Bennett (last combat cruise CO of CVS10
Have you ever noticed on TV or at military funerals that the honor
guard pays meticulous attention to correctly folding the American flag
13 times?
I've known how the 21 gun salute was determined (adding the individual
digits of 1776), but only recently learned why the flag was folded 13
times when it is lowered or when it is folded and handed to the widow
at the burial of a veteran. Here it is:
1) The first fold of our flag is a symbol of life.
2) The second fold is a symbol of our belief in eternal life.
3) The third fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veterans
departing our ranks who gave a portion of their lives for the defense
of our country to attain peace throughout the world.
4) The fourth fold represents our weaker nature, for as American
citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace as
well as in time of war for His divine guidance.
5) The fifth fold is a tribute to our country, for in the words of
Stephen Decatur, "Our Country, in dealing with other countries, may
she always be right; but it is still our country, right or wrong."
6) The sixth fold is for where our hearts lie. It is with our heart
that we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States Of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
7) The seventh fold is a tribute to our Armed Forces, for it is through
the Armed Forces that we protect our country and our flag against all her enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries
of our republic.
8) The eighth fold is a tribute to the one who entered into the valley
of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day, and to
honor mother, for whom it flies on Mother's Day.
9) The ninth fold is a tribute to womanhood; for it has been through
their faith, their love, loyalty and devotion that the character of
the men and women who have made this country great has been molded.
10) The tenth fold is a tribute to the father, for he, too, has given
his sons and daughters for the defense of our country since they were first born.
11) The eleventh fold, in the eyes of a Hebrew citizen represents the
lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon, and glorifies in their eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
12) The twelfth fold, in the eyes of a Christian citizen, represents
an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in their eyes, God the Father,
the Son and Holy Spirit.
13) When the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost
reminding us of our nation's motto, "In God We Trust".
After the flag is completely folded and tucked in, it takes on the
appearance of a cocked hat, ever reminding us of the soldiers who
served under General George Washington, and the sailors and marines who served under Captain John Paul Jones, who were followed by their comrades and shipmates in the Armed Forces of the United States, preserving for us the rights, privileges, and freedoms we enjoy today.
There are some traditions and ways of doing things which have deep
meaning. You will see many flags folded in the coming weeks, and now you will
know why.
Capt. Bill Bennett
USA - Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 16:07:20 (PST)
Was hanger deck controle. After navy worked 40 years machinest for U.S.Steel Gary Ind. retired.This is second time Iam intering log Ihave new e mail adderes .Very proud to have served on the Lady.
DANIEL D. ROBINSON <yorkmate56@msn.com>
Portage, Ind. USA - Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 18:59:16 (PST)
Wonderful memories of Far Eastern Cruise 1956. Visited
Patriot's Point in 1996, and it was wonderful to go back
aboard the YORKTOWN.
Jim Champion <jhchampion1@msn.com>
Cedartown, GA. USA - Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 08:31:10 (PST)
Is there anyone out there from "forward lighting".
Richard Brown <byebyeverizon@aol.com>
USA - Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 10:30:16 (PST)
2065 255th St #5, Lomita, Calif. 90717
I served on the Yorktown back in 1960-63. I was in the navigation Div, QM3.
I made 2 West Pac cruises on the Yorktown & had a lot of adventures as a young man. I'm 60 years old now, but it seem like only a few years ago I lived on the Yorktown. I have a lot of stories to tell about my days on the Yorktown ( and my families heard them all) but I would take to long to tell them here. I had the Yorktown under control when I was at the Helm, & I had the Yorktown out of control one time when I had the 4 to 8 watch in the morning & switched stearing engines before I was supposed to & had the whole ship out of control in the middle of a turn in rough seas. I saw boys turned into men on the Yorktown, I saw things very few people will ever see while on the Yorktown, & I saw men die on the Yorktown. My time on the Yorktown was an experience that has lasted a lifetime and I'm proud to say that I have served on " The Fighting Lady". Ron Porter QM3
I have a lot of stories I could tell but the one that had to be the most unusual was:
We were steaming along on a beautifull, sunny day.I dont remember which ocean were in at the time but it was on a West Pac cruise & I believe it was around Okinawa if my memory serves me correctly (which may not be the case at all). All of a sudden about a mile ahead of us there was some kind of disturbance in the sea ahead of us. The captain called for all engines ahead 1/3 to slow us down. I believe I had the helm at the time so I had a good view out of the windows on the captains bridge. Steam seemed to coming out of the ocean and what ever it was, was getting bigger. At first we thought it was a whale but soon it was apparent it was getting much to big to be any kind of marine life. The ocean steamed and boiled. By this time the captain had called for all engines to stop and we just sat dead in the water. As we watched, land began to surface ahead of us. It was black & steaming and the water roiled around it and we werent sure what it was, but it was looking scarier and scarier by the second. To make a long story short, appearently it was some kind of volcanic activity going on under the sea & the lava actually came to the serface & it scared the Hell out of all of us. Finally it all submerged again, the steam slowly subsided, and the sea was again calm, as if nothing had happened.
Every thing seemed so sur real that I wasn't sure I had seen what I saw, but I know it happened,I saw it & I'll never forget it. A year or so ago I was watching the Discovery channel or National Geographic, or one of those channels & had a program on the same thing happening, and what an unusual event it is. I feel fortunate to have been one of the few people to have witnessed such an event.
Ron Porter QM3 1960 to 1963
Ron Porter <rpo2218282@attbi.com >
Lomita, CA USA - Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 07:04:40 (PST)
I served on the Yorktown for 2 West Pac cruises & have a lot of fun memories of those days.
Ron Porter <rpo2218282@attbi.com>
Lomita, CA USA - Friday, October 25, 2002 at 09:53:33 (PDT)
enjoyed my four years abord the lady.
Fred Treseler <ftreseler.rmcpacific.com>
Santa Cruz , CA USA - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 06:20:17 (PDT)
1942-1945 B-DIV Fire room #2 Looking for shipmates that are still hanging in there
Benjamin C. Ward ( Ben) <chance@intrstar.net>
Chadbourn, NC USA - Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 20:17:14 (PDT)
Served on Yorktown from Aug. 62 to April 66 in E Division
Richard "Charlie" Brown <byebyeverizon@Aol.com>
USA - Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 19:14:13 (PDT)
POB #1166 Julian,Ca.92036
"A"Div,Hyd.gang & REfer.gang ,Aug.64 to Aug.66 . Would like to hear from the old gang.
Robert H Rodgers <mtbob@julianweb.com >
Julian, Ca USA - Monday, October 14, 2002 at 18:36:46 (PDT)
Served aboard from Oct 1962-Aug 1966. B Div. BT3. Any shipmates out there that remember? Get in touch.
USA - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 06:24:27 (PDT)
Served aboard from Oct 1962-Aug 1966. B Div. BT3. Any shipmates out there that remember? Get in touch.
USA - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 06:24:25 (PDT)
Served aboard from Oct 1962-Aug 1966. B Div. BT3. Any shipmates out there that remember? Get in touch.
USA - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 06:24:21 (PDT)
Proud to have served from Oct 62-Aug 66.
Will Ewing Jr. <wewing@cityofconroe.org>
Conroe, Tx USA - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 06:01:09 (PDT)
would like to here from old shipmates
Carl E Parker <kpenterprises101@aol.com>
Mishawaka, In USA - Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 11:11:33 (PDT)
would like to here from old shipmates
Carl E Parker <kpenterprises101@aol.com>
Mishawaka, In USA - Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 11:11:06 (PDT)
Like to hear from old friends
A.J. Martin,(Jack) <amartin@ 91759.net>
Mt Baldy, CA USA - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 22:23:17 (PDT)
Hi, My grand father was on the USS Yorktown. He died when I was four years old. He was on board during World War II. I don't know much about him. I think his first name was Merril like my dads middle name and last name of Rathbun. I have always heard that he was like 3rd in command in charge of damage control. But really I know nothing. Could someone clue me in a little as to what my grand father did or was like...anything. I never really knew him and still don't. Thank you.
David Rathbun <drath73949@earthlink.net>
San Antonio, Tx USA - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 04:04:13 (PDT)
Still in Aviation and going strong. Drop me a line and we can catch up.
Fehseke, TH (Zeke) <FehsekeTS@aol.com>
Green Valley, AZ USA - Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 21:10:29 (PDT)
Looking for shipmates who served with my Grandfather ADE1 William S. Hargrave. His nickname was "horsecollar" since he manned this device from the rescue helicopter. He was a member of the HU-1 Detachment during the West Pac of 1953-1954. I will be attending the reunion on Oct 3 and 4.
TSgt Todd Hargrave <thargrave@planters.net>
Savannah, GA USA - Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 08:51:41 (PDT)
Just writing to let you know that my uncle, Buster Pullen, who served on the Yorktown, has passed away. My uncle spent his entire life tormented by those memories. Only once did I ever hear him relate the events of the day when the Yorktown was mortally wounded. He spent his life in and out of VA hospitals. If anyone would like any information about my uncle or if you have any stories or information concerning my uncle, please contact me. Contact info listed below. Thank you.
Rick Lyon
R#4, Box 290
Crawfordsville, IN., 47933
Rick Lyon <ricklyon@tctc.com>
Crawfordsville, IN USA - Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 06:04:15 (PDT)
I would like to visit the Yourtown, who can tell me where it is docked now?
Bill Cullen <wcullen@earthlink.net>
Apache Junction, AZ USA - Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 11:31:43 (PDT)
this is the best yorktown site andi have enjoyed seeing shipmates.i served on board during west pac 66,i was assigned to the ships photo lab which was part of ops div.we had a great lab and i miss the time i had aboard
phil elsner <bowman1a@aol.com>
brooklyn, ny USA - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 20:02:59 (PDT)
I made two West-Pac curises aboard the Fighting Lady 1955 & 56. I take great pride in being an alumni of the Pride of the Seventh Fleet,the USS YORKTOWN CVA 10. Hope to see every one in October. Like to hear from any shipmates.
HAROLD E. SMITH <anchor@netins.net>
SENECA , MISSOURI USA - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 13:27:27 (PDT)
I logged my father, Thomas Collier (Jr.), USS Yorktown CV-10, Divison 5, Fire Control approximately 1943 - 1945. If anyone knew of him or was in his squadron, served on the carrier during this time fram, please contact me. Thank you so much.
Thomas Collier (Jr.) <mbrown9039@aol.com>
Akron, OH USA - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 08:45:12 (PDT)
I am searching web sites on behalf of my father. My father was so proud to have served on the USS Yorktown CV-10 and I am looking for everything I can find regarding the same.
Thomas Collier (Jr.) <mbrown9039@aol.com>
Akron, OH USA - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 08:40:56 (PDT)
I did my tour from 1942-44. Anyone still out there?
Charles Dorning <jean.palumbo@verizon.net>
Mt. Laurel, NJ USA - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 06:47:14 (PDT)
Anybody out there from my tour?
Charles Dorning <jean.palumbo@verizon.net>
Mt. Laurel, NJ USA - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 06:43:57 (PDT)
Just remembering. Great site.
Gerald R. Taylor <jtbs@earthlink.net>
Danville, CA USA - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 01:48:41 (PDT)
Was on the ship for the 2nd. time in July 2002. Met with B.J. Watts SFP-3, Dexter Gray SFM-3 and Frank Duca SPFN. I had not seen these guys in 38 to 40 years. It was great to see them. We hope to do it again in two years with more R-Div. people, so where are you?
James D Waters <gail.shanerwaters@gte.net>
Hillsboro, Or USA - Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 08:07:21 (PDT)
Trying to contact an old shipmate Fred Lennon who was an air crewman in VS 23.
Randy Leblanc <rl2462@sbc.com>
Simi Valley, CA USA - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 16:38:57 (PDT)
I was aboard on a far east cruise. 1958-59
Willis A. Griffin "Bill" <walleng1@aol.com>
Rocky Mount, nc USA - Monday, September 09, 2002 at 11:03:23 (PDT)
GILCHRIST , TEXAS USA - Monday, September 09, 2002 at 07:06:40 (PDT)
would like to hear from shipmates that i served with from 1968 to decommisioning in 1970
sam diprima <sdiprima@wideopenwest.com>
naperville, il USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 12:29:13 (PDT)
would like to hear from shipmates that i served with from 1968 to decommisioning in 1970
sam diprima <sdiprima@wideopenwest.com>
naperville, il USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 12:29:08 (PDT)
hope to hear from some of the guys I was in with
WE Gilliam < heatman222@aol.com>
Tulsa, Okla USA - Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 17:47:48 (PDT)
anjoyed time on board. would like to hear from shipmates.
mike gibson <mlgibson@txucom.net>
lufkin, tx. USA - Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 05:15:07 (PDT)
Great site! I wish my dad were still around to see it. He was a plank holder as one of the Yorktown's first flight deck officers, Ltjg Virgil "Bull" Erwin. Even though he would have much preferred to have been in the airgroup, he was always extremely proud of his service aboard The Fighting Lady.
Randall Erwin <rserwin@charter.net>
Central Point, OR USA - Monday, September 02, 2002 at 08:56:34 (PDT)
Just Surfed In
Eldon F. Chittenden <olemil@MSN.Com >
Indianola , IA USA - Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 06:46:09 (PDT)
I am the son of LCDR Willard Wallace McPherson. He served on many carriers including the Intrepid and the Saratoga. He was involved in aviational electronics. I would very much like to hear from anyone who knew my father. Thank you.
Joe McPherson
Joe McPherson <JohnnyMuchocho@aol.com>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 20:24:04 (PDT)
1956 USS Yorktown Westpac Cruise Book Located....Thank you shipmate Robert Weidenbacker for the help.
G. Brubaker RM1 ret. <eyesright@military.com>
Reinbeck, IA USA - Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 10:08:19 (PDT)
USS Yorktown Sept 1956 Westpac cruise book. I am DESPERATELY trying to find this book to copy to cd. I have copied all books from 1953 thru Decom...and find I am missing this one. I need someone to loan me their book. I have references, and, can restore/repair poor quality books if needed. I need to hear from you soon. Would like to complete this project before the Oct. 2002 USS Yorktown Reunion in Charleston, SC....God Speed Shipmates
G. Brubaker RM1 ret. <eyesright@military.com>
Reinbeck, Ia. USA - Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 06:44:25 (PDT)
On board 5-66 to 3-69; GA Division, Revisited the LADY 8-12-02 with my son and two grandsons. The Lady now houses the memories of all aviation. She needs lots of "TLC" to get her back in the shape she was in before! The three boys Tim (S), Jacob and Daniel (GS) did enjoy the tours as well as meeting my friend and shipmate Gorden Maxwell, whom I last saw in March of 1969.
I remember many stories about the division, friends and shipmates on the ship and one thing we all could not understand was loading special weapons on the helicopters!
William E. Edwards Jr <Bille7of12@aol.com >
Beaverdam, VA USA - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 08:06:35 (PDT)
Looking for shipmate Gene Phillips who was also in HS-4 and on the Yorktown from Dec 28, 1967 to July 1968.
Jerry Smith <smithjs@juno.com>
USA - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 06:51:37 (PDT)
Just looking for shipmates...
James B. Wheelis <gjays@megagate.com >
Heidelburg, MS USA - Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 15:55:49 (PDT)
Great memories from the Yorktown and VS-23. Would love to here from old shipmates.
Jim Pieknik <treeman46@aol.com>
Cleveland, Ohio USA - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 16:18:03 (PDT)
I had logged on once before, looking to hear from anyone who was in FOX Div in 19966 - 1968.
Jim Allen <jja1943@yahoo.com>
Sunset Beach, Ca USA - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 10:36:50 (PDT)
Proud to have served in the Navy and on the USS Yorktown 1961-62. In the history of the CVS-10, they left out the Yorktown's particpation in the nuclear tests near Christmas Island in 1961.
My Uncle Leonard was killed on the USS Underhill (DE682) in July, 1945. His ship was named for a Naval pilot that was killed at the battle of the Coral Sea in May, 1942. This pilot flew off of the original USS Yorktown (CV-5). I recently attended the 56th reunion of for the survivors of the USS Underhill in Annapolis.
Larry Zini <dhitman@aol.com >
La Quinta, California USA - Friday, August 09, 2002 at 20:11:05 (PDT)
Served on USS Yorktown from Aug 1955 to mid 1957 in V6 division if you remember me send me an email Thanks Shipmate
Joseph Arno <mistera64@yahoo.com >
USA - Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 05:29:34 (PDT)
looking to hear from shipmates
Odis Byers BMC <odist@aol.com>
USA - Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 15:16:27 (PDT)
Any one who served on the Yorktown with Frank V.Ward
during 1961-1963 V-6 Div.
also would like to obtain the Cruise book.
Frank V.Ward <soaringeagle19@attbi.com>
USA - Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 09:51:46 (PDT)
LYLE L. HABEL <lkhabel@mhtc.net>
Platteville, Wi. USA - Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 07:41:12 (PDT)
Tell us a Sea Story: I'm not sure of the date but it was between the years of 1964-1967. We were on "Yankee Station" in the gulf of Tonkin, Viet Nam. We had just launched our aircraft and I was standing lookout watch on the 07 level. A call came in on my soundpowered phones saying that one of our aircraft had lost it's tail hook. That means that he could not land without emergency measures being deployed. The siren sounded and all of the flight-deck crew responded as they did many times before. This time it was not a practice run but the real thing. The crash barrier went up almost immediately and they made a barricade of movable vehicles acrossed the deck in back of the barrier. This was to insure that if the pilot crashed thru the barrier, he would not end up in the sea. Now everyone was tense as the A4 Jet made it's long winding sweep around the ship to get into position to land. I could see thru my binoccular's as I did many times before that he was lining up perfectly, a little low I thought but with the movement of the ship you could'nt really tell. He came in and the back wheels touched first. As the nose came down, it was caught in the nylon straps of the barrier. The barrier stretched beyond the limits of sanity it seemed like. But it held and the plane came to an abrupt halt. Everyone on board was cheering and yelling. That to me was a great accomplishment on the part of the crew. I can tell you many more events that happened if you're interested. Please E-mail Me.
Robert Schnaufer
E-Mail: pops_007_us@yahoo.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Ohio
Tell us a Sea Story: I'm not sure of the date but it was between the years of 1964-1967. We were on "Yankee Station" in the gulf of Tonkin, Viet Nam. We had just launched our aircraft and I was standing lookout watch on the 07 level. A call came in on my soundpowered phones saying that one of our aircraft had lost it's tail hook. That means that he could not land without emergency measures being deployed. The siren sounded and all of the flight-deck crew responded as they did many times before. This time it was not a practice run but the real thing. The crash barrier went up almost immediately and they made a barricade of movable vehicles acrossed the deck in back of the barrier. This was to insure that if the pilot crashed thru the barrier, he would not end up in the sea. Now everyone was tense as the A4 Jet made it's long winding sweep around the ship to get into position to land. I could see thru my binoccular's as I did many times before that he was lining up perfectly, a little low I thought but with the movement of the ship you could'nt really tell. He came in and the back wheels touched first. As the nose came down, it was caught in the nylon straps of the barrier. The barrier stretched beyond the limits of sanity it seemed like. But it held and the plane came to an abrupt halt. Everyone on board was cheering and yelling. That to me was a great accomplishment on the part of the crew. I can tell you many more events that happened if you're interested. Please E-mail Me.
Robert Schnaufer <pops_007_us@yahoo.com >
Ohio USA - Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 18:21:45 (PDT)
My duty on the U.S.S. Yorktown was that of a Firemen's Apprentice. My stay there was quite short (1958-1959).
My daughter is creating an Album for me (and for herself), and would appreciate anything anyone cares to contribute that was onboard during this time. Especially pictures!
Tell us a Sea Story: Since my daughter is typing this, I don't have anything to share. Contact me via email, particularly so, if you were one of my shipmates.
John M. Conrad <cropper@sunvalley.net >
Carey, ID USA - Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 18:10:44 (PDT)
LYLE L. HABEL <lkhabel@mhtc.net>
PLATTEVILLE, WI. USA - Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 13:45:31 (PDT)
The Awesome POWER of the Navy
Because of a minor infraction, a shipmate of mine aboard the
USS Reeves, bound for Japan, was busted one rank, fined and
given extra duty for three weeks. Looking forward to cele-
brating his 21st birthday on July 22, he consoled himself
every night during his extra duty by reciting, "They can
bust me, they can fine me -- but they can't take away my
birthday." As July 22 approached, his excitement increased.
When he went to bed on July 21, he happily repeated, "They
can bust me, they can fine me -- but they can't take away
my birthday."
The next morning, he found out that the ship had crossed the
international date line -- it was July 23.
Rey Colon <sewcani@isla.net>
Taft, CA USA - Friday, July 26, 2002 at 13:09:55 (PDT)
My late grandfather, Joseph Guerrini, served on the Yorktown during WWII as an Aviation Machinist's Mate (Hydraulics) 3rd Class.
Looking for anyone who might have known and served with him and can give me any information on him during this time.
Thanks in advance!
John Guerrini - Joseph Guerrini <jguerrini@earthlink.net >
Chicago, IL USA - Friday, July 26, 2002 at 05:58:47 (PDT)
Looking for crew lists of 11 VT-5 TBD-1 aircraft in raid on Jaluit 1 Feb 1942. Want names of crew of 6 planes lost.
Tell us a Sea Story: In 1950 on Guam met one of the aircrew who was POW on Jaluit and later sent to Japan. In 1950 he was a delivery pilot of PBY to NAS Agana. Was a CAP and bombardier during the raid. He, the pilot and gunner taken prisoner 2 days after they crash landed.
A.R. Lee <codelee@aol.com >
USA - Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 07:17:30 (PDT)
Comments: Was on yourktown during med.cruise. Worked in the spud locker until decomission in Boston.
When I first got on the ship I was out right of boot camp. So I asked a few men how to soften up the work pants. They told me to hang them over the fantail. So I did, but I forgot them until that night. When I went back for them I pulled the rope in and the only thing I had left were the belt loops, well I never did that again.
David R Taylor <kjtdrt@msn.com >
Pottstown , PA USA - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 08:24:23 (PDT)
Looking for anyone who served with my father Gary Lyle Scott
(Scottie) during 1964-1968 he was a gunnersmate. I am very anxious to hear from anyone who knew him. My name is Craig Scott
Gary Lyle Scott <ccljscott@aol.com>
San Diego, CA USA - Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 22:13:26 (PDT)
Looking for anyone who served with my father Gary Lyle Scott
(Scottie) during this time. My name is Craig Scott.
Gary Lyle Scott <ccljscott@aol.com>
San Diego, CA USA - Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 22:11:11 (PDT)
Proud to have served on this great ship. Went on 2 west-pac cruises. Was there for the Pueblo crisis & apollo 8 pick up
Toro Toro Toro Movie & Get Smart tv show.
James Vine <jimmy@ismi.net>
Howell, Mi USA - Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 21:23:35 (PDT)
Like to hear from old shipmates
John McHenry Jr. <redviper@shocking.com>
USA - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 18:24:45 (PDT)
Shipmates, the USS Yorktown Association is asking former shipmates to please check out it's webpage at:
For some of us, it has been 40 years, others 50 yrs and the Assn. needs our support and memberships. It doesn't cost a penny to check out and browse the website. I think you will be surprised at what you find. I hope you all join us at the 2002 Oct 3-5 reunion in Charleston, SC. God Speed
George A. Brubaker RM1 ret. <eyesright@military.com>
Reinbeck, Ia USA - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 12:03:15 (PDT)
Served with Ltjg Hunderfund,AXC Letchworth, Williams, Chaney, Beauchamp, Patterson, Barnhart, Kaiser, Kimmell, Moore, STG2 Smith, STG2 Borja, Lt Johnson, AX1 Davis, Bybee. Many of us becme shellbacks together during our WestPac tour. If anyone from our Division is around I hope you can contact me.
Rick Uhlman <RUhlman3@aol.com>
Antelope, Ca USA - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 07:45:02 (PDT)
Served On Yorktown from Jan 1966 till being discharsed in Aug 1969 From Norfork Va. Was off ship for a year with a broken leg while off shore in San Diego Spent time at Balboa Naval Hospital was in 2nd division woul like from old shipmates. Was proud to serve on this great ship
James Vine <jimmy@ismi.net>
Howell, Mi USA - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 16:44:30 (PDT)
I am greatful to you all for helping to keep Her memory alive. She certainly deserves it.
Tommy Thompson EM1 <anatom@gvec.net >
La Vernia, TX USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 05:11:36 (PDT)
Served on board 1967 right out of Basic Training until about 1969. Yorktown taught me what being a man was really about, and show me the right direction to take.
There were many histrocial events taken place doing my short visit.
My only regret was that I did not stay on board, for her retirement.
Clarence Davis Jr <OldEnglish6908@aol.com >
Califonia USA - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 06:18:59 (PDT)
Like to hear from old shipmates. Am member of yorktown Assn.
Ken Holmgren <litlebird01@aol.com>
Hansville, Wa. USA - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 22:05:08 (PDT)
Proud to have served aboard the Yorktown. It's good to see that she has been preserved for its history in WWII. If she was ever called to duty again to preserve our freedom I'd be happy to serve aboard her again, even at my age of 63.
Glenn Marvin <marvin@olg.com or lpmarvin@msn.com>
Gaithersburg, MD USA - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 18:48:51 (PDT)
1st of too many WestPacs, long live Olongopo!
Mike McClung <mudd62@iwon.com>
Jax, FL USA - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 10:46:14 (PDT)
I would like to hear from any of my shipmates. God Bless America!!!!
Amando "Ruben" Ramos <aramos3@rgv.rr.com>
Pharr, TX USA - Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 11:34:17 (PDT)
Service in the Dental Department from July 1953 to June 1955
Ronald V. Tripp <rontripp1@juno.com>
USA - Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 05:50:04 (PDT)
I am from seattle, but moved to arizona about 20 years ago . I was on the yorktown for the 68 westpac ,in the gulf of tonkin & north korea for the pueblo insident . I was also onboard for the yorktown's first trip to singapore. I added my name to the guestbook a month or so ago but I don't see it now. god bless all my shipmates,some of us need it!
Joe Carter <rosjoge@hotmail.com>
pinetop , az USA - Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 21:36:23 (PDT)
Would like to hear from old ship mates.
Kenneth J. Koval <kov554@aol.com>
Tacoma, Wa. USA - Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 17:12:00 (PDT)
I enjoy dropping by this site to see if there are any names I recognize. Recently saw the Moving Wall which has the names of the two pilots and one aircrewman from HS-4 who were killed on the WestPac cruise of 1964. Would love to hear from other aircrewmen of that era.
Louie Graves <louieg@nashvillenewsonline.com>
Nashville, AR USA - Friday, June 28, 2002 at 09:34:14 (PDT)
Survived civilian life. Looking to hear from some of my "old" BT friends from #1 Fire-Room.
Paul Rucci
USA - Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 06:14:18 (PDT)
I was 17 years old when I first boarded the Yorktown, was 21 when I left our beloved ship for discharge. This is second time Im puting this in because I had my e mail wrong. I now live in Portage Ind.I retired from U.S.Seel with 40 years of service. Would like to hear from shipmates.
Daniel D. Robinson <firedog_342@msn.com>
Portage, IN USA - Saturday, February 09, 2002 at 10:49:10 (PST)
Looking for other shipmates. Also looking for Averett B. McBride from Beaumont, TX.
Roland R. Davis (RoRo) <rdavis@huntel.net>
USA - Saturday, February 09, 2002 at 10:40:47 (PST)
Comments: need help with 1965 and 1966 with patches and names of shipmates that were in vs 25 and vs 23 that were on the uss yorktown in the south china sea. all info will help me.thanks tom
thomas marion marshall <tmm1944@yahoo.com>
USA - Saturday, February 09, 2002 at 10:32:26 (PST)
Comments: Hi All! My name is Sherrie Winstead. I came across a document in an old car magazine
the other day & I would very much love to try & return it to its rightful owner. The document
says, and I quote:
"U.S.S. Yorktown CVS - 10
6 November 1969
All Hands Be Informed That
This Certificate Is Presented To SN Jerry F. McCoy
upon his qualification as boat coxswain in 40 ft. "U" Boat and "MWB"
This award is made only to those who have
completed a course of instruction in boat seamanship, and have demonstrated expert boat
handling proficiency.
In the absence of an officer eligible for command at sea, the above named man is
granted authority over all persons embarked in his boat. He is responsible for the safety of his
boat and its passengers and is charged with the honor and responsibility of representing
Yorktown wherever her boats may go."
It has the official seal of the Yorktown and is signed by First Lieutenant
P.S. Tepfenhart.
If anyone has any information as how to find Jerry F. McCoy or his family
so I can give this to them, I would very much appreciate it. It amazes me that this document
has survived closed up in a magazine for all these years! I can't help but feel like I'm
suppose to get it back to its owner. Thanks in advance for any help.
Sherrie Winstead
Jerry F. McCoy <sjames1@mindspring.com>
USA - Saturday, February 09, 2002 at 10:29:12 (PST)
All former Uss Yorktown cv5/cvA10/cvs10 RM/SM contact me for information concerning a 1st ever joint reunion with the Yorktown Association aboard the ship in Charleston, SC. proposed for Oct (Columbus day Weekend), 2002. Times a wasting, so let let me hear from you soon.
George A. Brubaker <eyesright@military.com>
Reinbeck, IA USA - Wednesday, February 06, 2002 at 14:30:05 (PST)
Welcome to the new Ship's Log. I hope this one will work better than the last one. If you signed in after Jan 15th we may have lost you entry due to a virus. Please re-submit if you can. 1998 - 2002 entries can be viewed by using link below.
Larry Futrell <webmaster@cv10.com>
Redondo Beach, CA USA - Wednesday, February 06, 2002 at 08:17:55 (PST)